Training today has moved away from some of the most important design principles. This occurs because many times training development is an after thought. Implementing these 4 principles will drastically change how your training is received and its overall impact. If you don’t believe me, think about today’s hottest game and whether it contains these principles.
Get Attention
How long will you watch an uninteresting video? Probably seconds. Most virtual, online, or instructor training spend the first several minutes introducing the course and listing learning objectives. Imagine if the focus was on creatively grabbing the learner’s attention early instead of on training formalities.
Idea: Start off with an interactive experience such as a 360 work environment with issues they need to solve.
Challenge Learners
When’s the last time you had to think during a training session? Learner attention and retention rates increase whenever they are challenged. Throwing a bunch of information at them and then quizzing them at the end isn’t enough.
Ideas: Interactive video where they make decisions that impact the content and feedback they receive. Present higher level information or challenge common, but incorrect work practices.
Elicit Performance
Testing is the king of determining comprehension in most corporate training environments. It’s easy to throw a few questions on screen and call it good. However, eliciting performance requires the learner to actually apply what they learned.
Idea: Use real life examples as scenarios to test how they would respond.
Whether it’s an hour training or a week long seminar, often learning or improvements recede to normal levels within days. This is because of a lack of follow-up or practice. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Idea: Send a questionnaire about what they learned and how they will apply this new knowledge. Then follow-up to see if that was accomplished.
See how we can help you incorporate these design principles and other strategies to deliver the most impactful training by visiting our webpage or contacting us at